
Chime in: Tips for breathing new life into an old PC

When a PC has a few years nether its chassis, performance tin begin to get a little sluggish depending on how far components are pushed. Luckily, at that place are a few ways yous tin can add life to an old computer. A Windows Primal community member is looking to do just that with an quondam HP Mini 110. This little box packs an Intel Cantlet N270 processor, which sports a single core with multi-threading, so it'due south going to be quite the project.

The CPU is pretty much at the bottom of the minimum requirements table, launching for use with Windows XP. Installing Windows 10 on the HP Mini 110 with only a gigabyte of RAM is e'er going to be a tough fourth dimension. Bbeelzebub has already ordered a 2GB stick of RAM, which should improve things immensely. Unfortunately, since this is a netbook, options to meliorate performance are limited — you won't be able to throw an Intel Core i7 in the minor portable PC, for example.

That said, it is possible to replace the hard-disk drive (HDD) with a solid-state drive (SSD) and potentially upgrade the CPU. The latter may address the video issue Bbeelzebub is having in Windows 10. Giving the OS a little more than RAM, faster storage and a more capable processor certainly wouldn't hurt.



So, I'm a hoarder and go along all my working computers around to put in diverse places to e'er take internet admission. I've had an old HP Mini 110-1025DX since 2009, I never used information technology all that much, simply I've ran XP, Win 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 on it. XP and Windows 7 were fine but always since the Windows x Creators update, it is nearly unusable. Information technology was a lot better on the OG Win 10 release. Video...


Had some experience with the HP Mini 110 or y'all have recently refurbished some other quondam PC? Caput to the community forum and join in the conversation.

From the forums: Attempting to give an sometime HP Mini 110 New Life

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